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Reimagining Application Development

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The biggest hurdle to progress was the complexity of the legacy e-commerce system. Over time, as the applications became more complex, so did the risk of making changes. The client hired LeadingAgile to overcome this challenge. The goal was to improve the e-commerce capability so that it could be responsive to customer’s needs now and rework the applications and ways of working so that the improvements wouldn’t regress over time. All while continuing to take orders from customers and delivering new features for the business.


How DevOps Enables Business Architecture Alignment | Matt Van Vleet 11 Min Watch

This video discusses opportunities to implement DevOps practices alongside to improve your metrics, accelerate business alignment, and achieve your desired business goals.

5 Silent Killers of Business Agility 35 Min Watch

In this talk Matt Van Vleet discusses five non-obvious DevOps barriers to Agility in large organizations.

Creating the Conditions for High-Performance Development Teams 35 Min Watch

You only get the full benefits of agile methods and technical practices when certain conditions are met in the organization. Otherwise teams will be forced to make compromises, reducing their performance.

White Paper
Keep legacy applications from standing in your way.

How can a “fully Agile” software team learn all the new practices, be re-organized and financed as a product instead of a project, yet still take weeks or months to get a new feature into production? The problem may be embedded in the legacy software itself.
