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The Building Blocks of Agility

It’s crucial to understand the fundamental concepts truly at play in a large-scale Agile Transformation before getting started. Check out this content we’ve gathered to help you learn more about the building blocks necessary to enable the right conditions for organizational Agility. 

The Fundamental Building Blocks of Agility

Go beyond the principles of Agile Transformation and dig deeper into the roots of the challenges that large organizations are facing as they attempt to overcome an ever-changing marketplace

Dependencies in Agile

Dependencies kill Agility, so you can’t pretend they don’t exist.

Agile Culture Isn’t the Problem 3 Min Watch

A culture of resistance is merely a symptom of a deeper issue.

Trust vs. Trustworthiness w/ Yaton Bowens

LeadingAgile Managing Consultant Yaton Bowens joins Dave to talk about the role that trust plays in Agile Transformation. Building on Mike Cottmeyers’ Trust vs. Trustworthiness webinar, Yaton and Dave dig into some of the trust gaps that management and the Development Teams have to cross for an Agile Transformation to take root in an organization. […]

Agile Unplugged EP 2 w/ Dennis Stevens 56 Min Watch

Learn about our systems approach, capability-based organizations, dependencies, and more.

Simply Having Agile Teams Does Not Make You An Agile Organization

Getting a few teams up and running using Scrum, Kanban or some other form of Agile is great. But that doesn’t necessarily mean your organization has become Agile. This week in SoundNotes, Dragos Dumitriu joins Dave for a conversation about the difference between spinning up a few teams and truly achieving business Agility. During the […]
