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Getting to Know LeadingAgile

We gathered some of our recent videos, articles, and other content to help you understand who we are and what we’re all about. So check it out when you have some time, and if you have any questions, you can email our Director of Talent Acquisition, Julie Connors, by simply clicking the headshot below.

Julie Connors
White Paper
Agile Transformation Whitepaper 74 Min View

Learn what a structured Agile Transformation is supposed to look like.

Transformation Explained 47 Min Watch

Learn how to achieve true business Agility.

10 Steps to Agile Transformation 10 Min Read

Transformation can be planned, managed, and measured.

Maximize Throughput and Value Delivered to Your Customers 16 Min Watch

Intentionality in design a system of delivery to ensure that you’re solving the right problems, at the right time.
